Stepping Into Truth:
Conversations on Race, Gender, and Social Justice

 Talking with Author and Activist Joel Edward Goza

Season 3 Episode 12

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Joel Edward Goza

I have never said, “You have to listen to this episode!”. I am telling you, you have to listen to this episode.

In this remarkable conversation Joel Goza and I talk about the deep roots of the structural and systemic racism that plagues the United States. Drawing lines between people and events that predate the founding of the U.S. and taking a deep look at the complexity of Dr. King, Joel brings clarity to the discussion of where we are, how we got here, and what we need to do going forward.

I’ve had a lot of conversations about this subject and this is, without doubt, one of the most impactful discussions I’ve ever had. To say that I loved this conversation is such an understatement. Joel is wise and, most importantly, walks his talk.

Joel Edward Goza is an author, speaker, and community advocate. He brings a rigorously researched and community-based perspective to understanding our nation’s racial crisis. Before focusing on writing, Joel worked in urban redevelopment and community activism for over a decade. His first book America’s Unholy Ghosts: The Racist Roots of Our Faith and Politics received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly and endorsements from National Book of the Year Award Winner Ibram X. Kendi and NY Times Contributor Khalil Gibran Muhammad. His current book project is tentatively entitled Rebirth of a Nation: Reparations and Making an Anti-Racist America. When not working, Joel spends his time pestering his wife Sarah, daughter Naomi, and son Samuel Roger as they enjoy their life together in Houston’s 5th Ward community.

For a written transcript of this conversation click here.

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Harmonica music courtesy of a friend