Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Race, Gender, and Social Justice

 Talking Embracing Your Wholeness, Fractals, Pleasure and more with adrienne maree brown

Season 2 Episode 1

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adrienne maree brown

In this fabulous conversation adrienne maree brown and I talk about the layers each of us possess, taking up space, bringing pleasure to our day-to-day and so much more. This is an episode you don't want to miss.

adrienne maree brown is: a writer, a sci-fi/Octavia Butler scholar, an organizational healer, a pleasure activist, a facilitator, a life/love/relationship/work coach, a network weaver, a speaker/singer (including wedding singer) and a doula living in Detroit.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Connect with adrienne:

adrienne's website
Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute

How to Survive the End of the World

Books: available at booksellers everywhere
Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown
Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown

Social media:
twitter: Twitter
instagram: @adriennemareebrown, @endoftheworldpc, @octaviasbrood

Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend