Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Race, Gender, and Social Justice

 Talking Cultural Identity, Appropriation, and Transformation w/ Anuradha Kowtha

Episode 16


Anuradha Kowtha

In this conversation Anuradha and I talk about the subtleties of cultural appropriation, cultural identity, the process of transformation, and the challenges of imagining different. We also talk about curry.

Anuradha Kowtha is a Transformation Consultant, writer and choreograher. A proud American and Brit, she is also proud of the south Indian heritage from her own immigrant parents. Anuradha has a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and a Masters in Rhetoric. She’s an experienced educator, researcher, editor and business owner. She is also an accomplished Bharata Natyam dancer and painter. Now she guides clients through this work of rediscovering who they are, why they are here and removing the conditioning that keeps them apart from that knowledge.  She writes powerfully about this work from within the fire of her own life. 

Connect with Anuradha:
Anuradha's Website

Credits: Harmonica music courtesy of a friend