I’m Omkari Williams, Gold Nautilus award-winning author. Through my writing, speaking, and podcast, I help people develop and sustain their way of social justice activism.
I am so happy that you are here. This is one of those, “all hands on deck” times in history where we have a ton of challenges to address and every single one of us can make a positive difference.
Very Important Information:
Integrity: Wholeness of heart and mind release us from fear and anxiety. When we are being true to ourselves and our principles we find stillness in the midst of a storm.
Justice = Freedom: True justice lets us put down the burdens of anger and revenge. Where there is true justice there is freedom for us all.
Stories: Stories connect us to one another revealing the shared humanity where we might otherwise miss it.
Compassion is Required: Without compassion for self there is no compassion for others. Without compassion for others there is no compassion for self.
Joy: Helps us through the hard times. Joy points us to what’s possible even in the midst of struggle.
Love: Is always the right choice.
There is a lot going on in the world. A lot to deal with, a lot to address, a lot of difference to be made but none of us can do it all.
I have what I call the Noah’s Ark rule: Pick one or, at most, two causes to focus on at a time. Honestly, none of us can effectively do more than that. Just like Noah’s Ark, only two, only two.
Other people will focus on other things, together we’ll cover it all.
WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE (aka my manifesto):
If you haven’t taken the Activist Archetype Quiz start there. It will give you an orientation to your specific type of activism and that’s a great jumping off point. Once you’ve done that you can take a look at the resources. There is a lot of information there. Far more than you can take in at one time. Think of the resources as your activist cheatsheet. You’ll find lists of causes, books, and more. Come back often as I update the resource section regularly.
If you want a weekly Activist Micro Action (a 10 minute or less action you can take to move the needle towards justice) delivered to your inbox pop your details into the box. For my monthly newsletter and occasional other notifications add your details to Newsletter form.
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And then there’s the podcast, Stepping Into Truth. I’ve been privileged to interview some amazing people doing work on the ground to make this world the one we envision.